The Quickie Sex Bucket list Challenge was very hit or miss across couples (and within couples!). Overall, people didn’t enjoy feeling hurried although one couple pointed out that it can be fun and exciting when rushing actually has a purpose! Guys enjoyed it more than girls and our couples mostly felt hindered by keeping clothes on. We thought it was funny that someone pointed out so much of ‘married sex’ ends up being a quickie anyway! So maybe don’t try this if you actually have time to take your time, but if you are in a bit of a hurry, why not give it a shot? Here are more details of what our couples thought…
Sexcapade: Have a Quickie (while mostly clothed)
Average rating for Her:
(2.2 / 5)
Average rating for Him:
(3 / 5)
Total average Rating:
(2.6 / 5)
Couple 1: His Rating
(2 / 5) Her Rating
(1 / 5)
It’s like the moment you give yourself 5 minutes to finish is the moment when your direct line to ungodly stamina arises. This was a fail for both of us. Mission was unaccomplished and neither of us enjoyed the rush.
Couple 2: His Rating
(4 / 5) Her Rating
(3 / 5)
We do this sometimes if we want to do it during the day but we only have a few minutes to sneak away. In those times it’s fun and feels naughty. In this instance we pulled lingerie aside and it was good fun!
Couple 3: His Rating
(3 / 5) Her Rating
(1 / 5)
I didn’t enjoy this at all, I need more of a warm up to enjoy things and this felt too forced and fast. It felt like a race to make him orgasm. He says: Why would we choose to stay dressed when all the fun is under the clothes? Still gets a 3 because sex is sex, and I’ll take what I get. Lets be real we could take this down to a game of seconds if necessary.
Couple 4: His Rating
(3 / 5) Her Rating
(3 / 5)
This is a ‘go to’ for us if I’m in the mood but she isn’t. Marriage is like a sexual parallel universe. Lasting as long as possible was the goal before marriage. Getting done asap is the goal after marriage. So, it works but it feels one sided. She gives it points for being efficient when we need to get the job done.
Couple 5: His Rating
(3 / 5) Her Rating
(3 / 5)
We both found this to be a bit mundane. She felt like it would have been much more fun to just rip each others clothes off, he didn’t like having clothing rubbing up together and couldn’t get into a comfortable position. Always fun to get it on but this one just isn’t for us.
Our next Sexcapade challenge is to ‘Tie your Partner up’ or be tied up. Check back soon because it’s bound to be a good one 😉